Selasa, 28 September 2010

Perpus Kota Jogja

let's start...
PUSKOJA (perpus kota jogja) trmasuk salah satu tempat yg sering aku kunjungi,,
ya karena tempat nya nyaman,, fasilitasnya juga bagus,.
disini juga ad layanan wifi gratis..
kalo mau pinjem  buku juga gampang tinggal bikin kartu anggota,,
GRATIS kok,, semua layanan disini graris
wifi disini TOP BGT..
cepet , gak lemot..
didalem perpus pake ac.. so, ga akan deh ngrasa kepanasan (kecuali kalo mati lampu)
aq biasnya ke perpus kota buat wifi an
haha, lumayan kan gratis,,
ya pokoknya wajib dah kamu mampir ke PUSKOJA..

Nilai Ulangan IPS

Hufttt... lega hatiku,,
ternyata nilai ulangan IPS ku nilainya bagus,,
aku dah senam jantung  waktu ngerjain ulangannya
masalahnya aq tu gak  tahu kalau ada ulangan
oleh sebab itu aq GAK BELAJAR!!!
Aq shock bgt waktu bu Sarjimah bilang kalau sekarang ulangan!!!
"Bu belum belajar.. saya gak tahu kalau ad ulangan!!" kataku..
dilanjutin ma anak-anak laen.."iya bu.. kasih waktu 15 menit buat belajar"
akhirnya  aq berusaha mamanfaatkan waktu 15 menit dengan belajar ..
aq cuma sempat ngapalin jenis tanah..
waktu itu aku bedjo bgt ya!! tentang jenis tanah tu keluar ..
dah aman 1 nomer!! haha
"Aduh opo iki jawaban ne??" aq bertanya-tanya lagi-lagi..
gak sengaja salam tu denger,,
Lha teruz tu karena iman ku gak kuat..( setiap ulangan selalu nyontek!!)
so NYONTEK lagi dah!!
wah brarti nilai ku tu asli ne jelek bgt yag???
ya tapi ga apalah.. yg penting besok UNAS ga nyontek..
eiya aq belum sebutin nilai ku to?
Nilaiku ya medekati sempurna 9,25..
coba aq gak nyontek nilaiku paling pol cuma 9..
yg penting HAPPY

Senin, 27 September 2010

Guru yang Menyebalkan

Ehmm,,, aq punya cerita neyy...
aku sekarang ada bimbel di salah satu lembaga bimbel unggulan di jogja.
aq n' temen-temen sekelas tu sebel buanget ma guru matematika..
aq gak tau namanya siapa,,
n' gak mau tau.. hehe..
Ih liat mukanya aj dah bikin bete..
orang nya sok baik lagi.. iuh,, pokoknya jibang gtu deh..
Dia tu terkesan ga niat ngajar!!!
mana dia juga sering baca novel dikelas,, ampe muridnya di lupakan..
pernah ni,, dia keasikan baca novel gtu..
terus temenq udah ada yang negur minta buat soalnya di bahas,,
eh dia kayak belaga ga denger gitu..
ampe waktunya abiz kita cuma bahas 3 soal dari 25 soal !!!
dah bayar maha-mahal ga dapet apa-apa lagi,,
dapetnya cuma emosi..
hufttt,,, sabbbbaaaarrrr!!!!
yeh pokoknya aq sebel dah ma dia...
bikin males belajar!!!

Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Tes Icas

Huh,, tes icas selalu bikin kepala panas.. kayak mau meledak,,, aku harus befikir keras buat jawab bejibun pertanyaan aneh dan juga marmos (marai emosi/bikin emosi) dalam waktu 1 jam.. Stres seketika ..!! Soalnya berbahasa inggris dari australi... Waaw,,, Walaupun otak ini udah bekerja keras tapi tetep aj ga bisa slesai.. dari 45 soal baru 15 yang aku kerjain selama 1 jam.. waktunya udah abiz,,, gimana neh??? karena imanku ga kuat yah terpaksa nyontek dikit-dikit (tapi sering).. xixxixixi..ah tapi gapapa lah.. banyak temennya og.. gak cuma aq yg nyontek ,, anak sekelas smua juga nyontek,, (alibi) hehehe,... Yang penting happy .. wakaakaakakaka..

Di Bawah Payung

foto gokil anak d'iron

D'IRON = Delapan InteR ONe
ya... begitulah,, anak-anak d'iron itu gokil, gila, gendheng, n' suka sesuatu yang aneh-aneh
Kalo lagi berfoto ria pada memamerkan muka jelek masing masing..
kayak foto yang satu ini, foto ini diambil waktu ada les gratisan di ipiem jogja
Sebenernya ga ad angin ga ad hujan tapi ,, Mahda (yg pke jilbab) , Putri ( no.2 dari kiri), Selma (yg ekspresinya paling ancur), n' Stella (paling kanan) sengaja foto pake properti payung biar klihatan gimana gitu... tapi sayang aq ga bisa ikutan foto karena aq ga bisa ikut les gratisan di ipiem jogja... gara-gara ga bisa ikut les gratisan aku ketinggalan momen-momen seru n' berharga yang ga bisa di ulang lagi,,, 
Aku ingin melawati hari-hari indah bersama anak-anak d'iron ... 
d'iron 's blog =

Jumat, 24 September 2010

Lenka - We Will Grow Old (lirik)

You and me will be lying side by side
Forever forever
Underneath this adolescent sky
Together together
And you will hold my heart inside your hand
And You'll be the one, the one to tell me

Oh, we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old

You made me swear that our hearts will never die
No never, no never
Cause no one seems to believe that we can fly
Forget them, forget them
Oh, you told me

Oh, we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old

Oh, we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old

Oh, how could we know that day, it came with age
That oh, the feeling would fade...

Oh, we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old

Oh, we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old
We will not grow old
We will
We will not grow old
We will not grow old

Lenka - The Show (lirik)

I'm just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
And love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
And I don't know why

Slow it down
Make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
'Cuz it's too much
Yeah, it's a lot
To be something I'm not

I'm a fool
Out of love
'Cuz I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
And love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
And I don't know why

I am just a little girl
Lost in the moment
I'm so scared
But don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot
In the sky
Just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
And synchronize in time
It's a joke
Nobody knows
They've got a ticket to that show

I'm just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
And love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
And I don't know why

I am just a little girl
Lost in the moment
I'm so scared
But don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

Oh oh
Just enjoy the show
Oh oh

I'm just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
And love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
And I don't know why

I am just a little girl
Lost in the moment
I'm so scared
But I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

Dum de dum
Dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

Dum de dum
Dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show 

Lenka - Trouble Is a Friend (Lirik)

Trouble will find you
No matter where you go
Oh, oh
No matter if you're fast
No matter if you're slow
Oh, oh
The eye of the storm
Wanna cry in the morn
Oh, oh
You're fine for a while
But you start
To lose control

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine

Trouble is a friend
But trouble is a foe
Oh, oh
And no matter
What I feed him
He always seems to grow
Oh, oh
He sees what I see
And he knows
What I know
Oh, oh
So don't forget
As you ease
On down my road

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed
If he takes you
By the arm
I roll down the window
I'm a sucker
For his charm
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine

How I hate the way
He makes me feel
And how I try
To make him leave
I try
Oh, oh, I try

But he's
There in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed
If he takes you
By the arm
I roll down the window
I'm a sucker
For his charm
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine


Rabu, 15 September 2010

Link Astronomi

Semoga bermanfaat buat smua,, terutama para pencinta astronomi ,, termasuk saya..

Posting pertama

halo smuanya... perkenalkan aq widya.. ni blog ku.. aq usahain deh ya supaya blogku ini dapat bermanfaat !!!